Write for us – Looking for Dog Guest Post Opportunity?

Pet Rescue Blog is a Google news-approved publishing platform now accepting contributions from dog bloggers, a representative for a pet or dog food-related company, or just like to write about pets, you can submit a post with your byline.

Looking For A Dog Guest Post Opportunity?

Pet Rescue Blog’s Guest Author and Community Contributor Program are opportunities for industry practitioners to share their perspectives with our audience of millions of Pet Owners. Following these recommendations will help us publish your work and deliver the most value to both readers and authors.

Our Partner Agencies

We are partner with many agencies, some of the bigger names are mentioned  here

pet write for us
Our Partner Agencies

Want to partner with us? Drop an email or write us through the contact us.

We Welcome Pet Bloggers and Experts to write for us

According to SEMrush, Pet rescue blog Statistics

Write for us Pets
What SEMrush say about us

According to Moz, Pet rescue blog Statistics

write for us cat
Our authority in MOZ

What We Cover

We accept all about pet and animal niches but cover the following topics more often


      • Dog breed
      • Dog health
      • Dog training
      • Dog food
      • All about dogs


      • Cat breed
      • Cat training
      • Cat health
      • All other topics about cats

All other Pet-related blogs

      • Pet health
      • Pet Training
      • Fitness
      • Pet behavior
      • Pet events


You can submit a news tip all about pets and animals.


If you are a video blogger or vlogger in the pet niche and want to share your video with our audience, submit a video with a 250-word long unique description.

  • We cover new topics that no one has covered or even thought of yet
  • We also cover current topics, but with a new angle or stats
  • Why does someone need to read this (in other words, did we answer a question)

Pet Rescue Blog is seeking guest authors to enhance our relevant content with current, valuable information about topics like Pet health, dog food, behavior, training, gadgets and more. We welcome quality guest authors from experts who fit our content style. All content shared is intended to help our community of readers.

What We Don’t Cover

We don’t cover any of the following but not limited to

  1. Casino
  2. Adult
  3. Adult products/services
  4. Tobacco
  5. Vape
  6. Any irrelevant content that is not about pet & animal niche

Editorial Policy

The editorial team at Pet Rescue Blog reserves the right to reject or remove any guest blog violating the following editorial policies. If you wanna discuss any policy, contact us here.

1. New Topic

Be sure your topic is not covered, the below search field can assist you to check either your topic is already covered or not.

2. Uniqueness

Content must be unique and 100% Copyscape. We do not allow resubmission or spin content. We don’t publish AI written content.

If you want to resubmit an already published blog with a canonical tag, consider the sponsored option.

3. Blog Post Lengths

  • We hope to have posts from 750 to 4000 words. Preferably
  • Longer and in-depth posts are more likely to be chosen for featured posts.

4. Citations, Links, and Relationships

  • Add internal links related to your topic.
  • Use external links for any third-party perspectives, evidence, and statistics preferably.
    • As we are Pet and Animal website, we accept linking to the same industry only.
    • Link to the irrelevant page will not be accepted.
  • Only use credible sources.
  • If you use a quote within a blog post, you may only link to their Twitter handle.
  • No, promotional tone, We do not publish any promotional content.

5. SEO Best Practices

  • Text formatting like bulleted lists, headers, bolding, etc.
  • Select at least 1 category.
  • Alt tags for any images used in the blog post
  • Meta description of 155 characters.

6. Images or Videos

  • At least 1 relevant feature image of 1200px by 500px required.
  • Image no more than 99 kb.
  • Don’t forget alt tag
  • If you wanna use royalty-free images, add the image credits and the link to that source.
  • We love to be enough informative to our readers, so it’s a good idea to include at least a descriptive video related to your blog.

7. Write and Submit Your Author Bio/Profile

When you create an author profile with us, please include the following information:

  • Biographical information will be posted to every post that is published on Pet Rescue Blog. This should be short and informative like who you are and why you’re important.
  • Social media profiles such as Facebook, Instagram, Medium, YouTube, etc. This will help us to tag you online.
  • Your website and company name along with role and URL.
  • A 200 x 200 profile photograph

Note: We prefer publishing content with original author byline. So it’s good to proceed with your profile first and then publish your blog.

Publish Under Your Byline

We feature content under your Author profile along with your byline, but to do so, we require you to furnish your author bio and social media links. If you are an industry expert with over 5 years of demonstrated experience, we offer compensation for contributions.

Post Samples

If you wanna write for us a pet blog, it’s good to have a look at the below-mentioned posts so you have an idea of what we want.

Ready to write for us?

So, Are you ready to write for us with the above-mentioned guidelines? Simply share your idea with our editorial team and previous work examples at

Submit Guest Post Now

[email protected]

Must add the word “Guest Post” in the subject. Otherwise, the email will be ignored by the CRM.

Submit a Sponsored Posts

Looking forward to writing a product or service review? Consider our sponsored post section by sharing your final draft at

[email protected]

Sponsor a Post

If you are looking for an opportunity to sponsor a post on our website, or you are working for a client and wanna publish a sponsored post for your client you can submit a request with the Sponsored post in the email subject line.

If you are facing any issues with submitting content? contact us here.

Social Media Channels

We have a strong social media strategy to gather a maximum and targetted audience and share valuable content. Currently, we have 224.2k monthly viewers on Pinterest. Below are some audience analytics.

Pet Rescue Blog on Pinterest

Pet Rescue Blog on Pinterest
Pet Rescue Blog on Pinterest

Write for us - pet blog guest post

Join Group Boards on Pinterest

PRB on Facebook

We are on Facebook, you can find us here.

Note: Currently there is some issue with Facebook algo, our domain has been blocked and can’t be shared.

Dog Food Write For Us

Whether you are a dog food producer or SEO looking for a pet blog guest post, outreach us by emailing us, and don’t forget to

How to search for Dog Guest Post Opportunity?

Followings are some queries to search for pet blogs accept guest posts.

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