A pet is always invaluable to its guardian and sometimes the task of choosing a name is extremely difficult. The ideal name should match the animal and also be meaningful to the guardian.
If you have an Australian parrot and you don’t know what to name it, then you’ve come to the right article! At Pet Rescue Blog, we have made a list of more than 300 names for Australian parrots to help you with this arduous task.
Remember, before adopting, you must be aware of the necessary care for this type of animal and be sure that you can fulfill these duties.
Male Australian Parrot Names
- Thor
- Ciro
- Hermes
- Kiwi
- Krusty
- Pepin
- Spleen
- Pace
- Pichon
- Tristan
- Apollo
- Blau
- Chiron
- Cholo
- Hercules
- Juno
- Cupid
- Curro
- Goliat
- Phoebe
- Guido
- Momo
- Pepe
- Perforation
- Mojito
- Momodo
- Chuli
- Marc
- Jacobs
- Harry
- Audi
- Sweden
- Kiko
- Keys
- Prince
- Pit
- Peter
- Pistachio
- Fred
- Cherub
- Eros
- Oscar
- Casio
- Odilon
- Dinho
- Goliat
- Cholo
- Apollo
- Blau
- Pichon
- Curro
- Carrara

Australian Female Parrot Names
If your parrot is female, this is the list you are looking for. The names chosen are sweet and perfect for these parrots which make us so happy with their singing. There are many name options for female Australian parrots, see:
- Aphrodite
- Batuka
- Ivy
- Luna
- Noa
- Paquita
- Princess
- Stella
- Minerva
- Tiara
- Alita
- Olimpia
- Ariel
- Natura
- Venus
- Blanca
- Heavenly
- Lady
- Hour
- Cindy
- Frida
- Gina
- Rita
- Yaki
- Isis
- Astarte
- Tauren
- Tinny
- Olivia
- Tantrum
- Gil
- Opel
- Holy
- Amber
- Bubble
- Benny
- Eve
- Chacha
- Lot
- Livia
- Pucca
- Penelope
- Jurema
- Chick
- Nanda
- Mastiff
- Cloe
- Gina
- Odara
- Iara
- Lis
- Lila
Have you chosen the most suitable name for your pet?
Reading Suggestion: Explore Majestic Beauty of Lahore Pigeon Breeds
If you want to choose a simple name for your pet, especially if it is a green Australian parrot, this list has been tailor-made for you to have numerous name options for Australian green parrots:
- Palm Trees
- Alfacinha
- Lawn
- Avocado
- Loro Jose
- Ana Maria
- Kiwi
- Lemon
- Weed
- Mint
- Mint
- Trident
- Horti
- Grape
- Hulk
- Shrek
- Fiona
- Coli
- cricket
- Luigi
- Piccolo
- Yoshi
- Small bell
- Tiana
- Emerald
- Mike
- Roz
- Rex
- Buzz
- Sauerkraut
- E d g an r
- Cell
- Groove
- Bart
- Homer
- Marge
- Liza
- Maggie
- Minion
- Bob
- Frajola
- Poo
- Pikachu
- Pluto
- Emoji
- Tweet tweet
- Ze Carioca
- Green
- Grinch
- Jade
If you also think about adopting a budgerigar you need to get informed and know some data about their health,
Reading suggestions: All About The Parakeets
A Different Name For A Parrot
If your Australian parrot deserves a super different name, check out this list with very specific name tips:
- Blue
- Zul
- Bla
- Moon
- Sky
- flower
- Smurf
- Potato
- Mystic
- Tim
- Genius
- Dory
- Bidu
- Pixote
- Night
- Beast
- Canarinho
- Ice
- Sea
- Venom
- Pablo
- Bubble
- Beautiful
- Goliath
- Olaf
- Stitch
- Eeyore
- Diamond
- Zafira
- Topacio
- Turquoise
- Apollo
- Leke
- Goliath
- Marine
- Jeans
- Picasso
- Dalí
- Pepe
- Cotton
- Tulip
- Nigel
- Thulium
- Bia
- Zoe
- Zeca
- Jade
- Nico
- River
- Star
- Star
- Cinderella
- Phylum
- Tone
- Quindim
- Macaw
- Nicholas
- Blueberry
Reading Suggestion: Lahore Pigeon
Australian Parrot: Names For Couples
If you decided to adopt a couple of birds, here are some tips for them to be the best pair of all time:
- Romeo and Juliet
- Tom and Jerry
- Harry and Ginny
- Ron and Hermione
- Rose and Jack
- Bella and Edward
- John and Jane
- Brad and Angelina
- Bruna and Neymar
- Fiona and Shreck
- Mickey and Minnie
- Serena and George
- Rice and beans
- Aries and Sagittarius
- John and Olivia
- Brock and Christopher
- John and Mary
- Lilo and Stitch
- Peter and Mary Jane
- Antenor and Lucia
- Juju and Romeo
- Pascal and Sapphire
- Nando and Milena
- Raí and Babalu
- Juvenal and Lindalva
- Athena and Romero
- Niko and Felix
- Isis and Alfredo
- Raj and Maya
- Olavo and Bebel
- Catarina and Petrucio
- Blackberry and Bento
- Beto and Tancinha
- Juma and Jove
- Mitchell and Cameron
- Jesse and Becky
- Alex and Piper
- Kenan and Kel
- Lois and Clark
- Florinda and Girafales
- Rui and Vani
- Cersei and Jaime
- Homer and Marge
- Bob and Patrik
- Yasmin and Zack
- Pedro and Helo
- Nina and Herculaneum
- Bibi and Caio
- Bin and Guize
- Charles and Diana
- Harry and Meghan
- Kate and Will
- Blair and Chuck
- Hanna and Caleb
- Tokyo and Rio
- Emily and Alisson
- Justin and Selena
- Mori and Cayetano
- Lula and Dilma
- Lily and Lola
- Amy and Sheldon
- Fred and Frank
- Gina and Brigitte
- Mark and Priscilla
- Fines and Ferbs
Types of Pet Birds
If you are thinking of adopting other birds but do not know which species to choose, see this list with some information and choose the one that most resembles you:
Parrots have an omnivorous diet, that is, they feed on fruits and seeds but also on some insects and sometimes on meat. To make the life of the parrots the best possible, you need a spacious cage and that it can fly freely around the house a few times a day, thus avoiding behavioral problems. They are extremely social and talkative animals.
Parakeets’ diet is quite simple, they usually eat fruits and seeds. They are very sociable animals and therefore, if you are thinking of adopting a parakeet, we recommend that you adopt at least two so that you do not feel alone. However, the most indicated is that they are of opposite genders to avoid fights. They need a large, clean cage.
The canaries have a diet based on feed and birdseed, which may include some vegetables. It is advisable that they have a spacious cage because, despite being cheerful animals, they have a somewhat insecure personality, and sometimes they need a space to take refuge.
They need a diet based on birdseed, food, fruits, and vegetables. They are very intelligent and sociable, suitable for people who live in apartments. You need to be able to walk freely around the house, however, in the evening we recommend that you keep it in a covered and spacious cage because they are easily scared.
The basis of this bird’s diet is seeds, fruits, and vegetables. They are very faithful and affectionate animals, they need care and constant attention so if you are thinking of adopting one, consider that they are quite noisy and go through a phase of “adolescence” a little problematic because they are very agitated.
Fruits are an indispensable food in the diet of cockatoos. They are super sociable birds that cannot stay long without company, they love to whistle, imitate voices, sing and dance. However, it is not recommended for people who have no experience with birds or families with children.
Do not forget that it is very important to be sure of the origin of the bird so that it is not animal trafficking and you end up contributing to this cruel practice!