In recent years a trend has emerged that differs from the horseshoe for horse hooves. This line focuses on the care of the horses’ feet in order to maintain better health. That is why it has been innovated by creating horse Boots. These with the necessary requirements to protect the feet of the animal and at the same time for comfort.
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The boot provides helmet protection especially on the most aggressive terrain and on unnatural surfaces, such as asphalt and concrete.
Purpose of horse boots
In the event that the horse is in a transition phase, the boots will be of great help both for him, who with his recently unshod and sensitive hooves will have problems when facing varieties of abrasive terrain, as well as for the rider, as he can continue to enjoy riding.
Your horse while barefoot hooves are going through the rehabilitation period, regaining lost strength, natural form, and function. The boots are put on while the work lasts and the rest of the time the horse is barefoot.
In the case of seriously pathological helmets, special boots with cushioned insoles are used and are of great help during the rehabilitation process.
There are different types of equine boot footwear, for the different types of needs of the rider and the different shapes and sizes of hooves.
Advantages of horse boots
The boot provides the helmet with flexible protection and is the “horseshoe” of the 21st century. When the horse is just unshod and we want it to continue working, boots for the fore and aft extremities will be essential, since during the transition period the hoof has to be strengthened and rehabilitated.
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If the horse spends most of its time on the soft surface of its terrain, it cannot be expected to have hooves adapted for more demanding surfaces. So, the boots will be of great help to us. If we also add the weight of the rider, an extra reason for the need for boots. In addition, they are used while the work lasts and the rest of the time the horse is barefoot.
Horse boots type
Floating Boots
Floating Boots are ideal for raid enthusiasts, walks, or routes, as their lightness allows them to be used on long-distance routes. Ideal for fans of the raid walks or routes since its lightness allows you to use this boot on long-distance routes. Not suitable for horses with high heels or improperly balanced feet.
Old Mac’s boots
Old Mac’s boots are not suitable for long distances and are recommended for jumping. A boot that forgives a lot in case the helmet does not have a very natural shape, nor the cut is very up to date. The service life is somewhat shorter than the others, but they are more easily repairable.
The Renegade boots
The Renegade boot is tested by lovers of equestrian endurance in the most demanding races. Almost exclusively for round or slightly oval and natural helmets.
Are horse boots necessary in the Barefoot?
The issue of boots is complex, as it again depends on the horse’s adaptability, its use, and whether external factors are favorable or hinder the barefoot.
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Working on a soft track, horses do not need boots. Anyone who likes to go out on routes abroad should assess the sensitivity of his horse in different terrain.

In any case, we cannot expect that a horse that has just taken off shoes can be put on some boots and function as it has always done. A horse in transition undergoes a series of structural changes that make it difficult to find the style and size of boot that can serve it in the long term.
Just like when a foal is braided for the first time, it is usually done little by little so that it learns to manage the movements with the shoes, there has to be an adaptation period until the horse learns to go barefoot and with a boot on the hooves.