Every pet owner takes pride in caring for a lovely creature, like a dog, known as a man’s best friend. However, as much as you like to play with your dog, there are instances where they get stressed and aggressive. Hence, there’s a possibility of your dog biting someone when they feel threatened or uncomfortable.
If you’re a pet owner and looking forward to Oklahoma dog bite law, this article is a must-read for you. It contains essential information about dogs’ behaviors, which might help you ensure one’s safety. Check out the important things pet owners need to know about dog bites below.
Dog Bites Are An Emergency Case
Treat every dog bite as an emergency case, whether the dog has been vaccinated with anti-rabies or not. If your dog bites a family member or a stranger, make sure to bring the person to the nearest medical facility for proper assessment and intervention.
For every dog bite case, ensure to keep in mind the following:
Clean The Area
Make sure that the bitten area is cleansed properly. Wash the area with soap and water. You can apply an antibiotic cream if available.
Stop The Bleeding
Using a clean cloth, stop the bleeding by applying enough pressure above the wounded area. You can also wrap the wound with a sterile bandage.
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Avoid Self-Treatment
Bring the victim to the nearest animal bite center or hospital after the initial first aid treatment. Don’t apply vinegar solution or any homemade cleaning agent to the wound because these might cause wound complications.

Dog Bites Can Become A Legal Case
You’ll avoid dealing with dog bite cases and legal matters by understanding Oklahoma dog bite law and your pet. If you think your dog isn’t feeling good or is displaying unusual behavior, better keep your dog at home. Avoid bringing your pet to the children’s park or any public place if your dog is sick or showing aggression.
In these cases, your furry friend might become aggressive and bite a stranger or a person you know. It would be best if you were ready legally when this happens. Aside from learning how to handle dog bites as an emergency case, it’s also important to observe the following for legal protection:
- Make sure that you have insurance coverage if your dog bites someone accidentally. Renters and home insurance policies generally cover dog bites (including legal liability expenses). Yet if the claim amount reaches the insurance coverage limit, the pet owner pays the excess damages.
- Ask the names, addresses, and contact information of dog owners and witnesses involved in the dog bite incident. Their testimonies may be essential in supporting and validating your statement.
- Take photographs of the victim’s wounds for insurance claims purposes.
- If the dog bite injury is severe or becomes a source of a heated argument, contact the police to file a dog bite report.
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Observe Your Dog
Once you have ascertained the safety of the victim, you should still observe your dog. This standard protocol after a dog bite is crucial to assess if your pet exhibits signs and symptoms of rabies. Visit a medical doctor or an animal bite center to determine any changes in your dog’s behavior. By doing so, they can provide the appropriate treatment to your pet.
Keep your dog under observation for ten days. This quarantine period is necessary because a rabies-infected dog can only transmit the virus after developing clinical signs. Once signs of rabies develop, the dog will die within ten days.
Consult A Veterinarian
Pet vaccinations serve as everyone’s protection. Fully vaccinated dogs are generally safe from rabies, and so are the bite victims of these dogs. If you have newly adopted dogs with no rabies shots yet, bring them to a vet clinic for vaccination. You may also consult with animal doctors if you suspect that your dog isn’t feeling well.
Report To Authorities
Proper reporting is crucial in any dog bite incident. If your dog has bitten someone, report this incident to the authorities and the emergency response team. Local authorities should inform every dog owner about the correct process of reporting dangerous dogs and dog bites.
If you know how to manage dog bite cases, both treatment and prevention could be attained. The above tips would help pet owners prepare for possible medical emergencies and legal matters in a dog bite incident. You need to be well-informed about dealing with aggressive dogs, dog bites, and related laws as a dog owner. This way, you can keep people around you and your dog safe.